Fancy Reports without the hassle Export and email history reports in popular formats: HTML, XML, Final Cut 7 and X, Avid ALE, Adobe Prelude and Premiere, CSV, tab-delimited, and custom MultiCam and Sound Reports. This information is collectively known as the Head ID because it comes at the of the clip the editor will see.

PureBlend Software, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling. Whatever your film clapper looks like, these are the areas that a working film slate must have a space to indicate: the Scene Number.
Congratulations to all the following nominees. The MovieSlate app for iPad + iPhone Slate, Log, Report. Download MovieSlate 8 and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Paris, France & Hollywood, California Ap24 (Euronext Paris: TCH) and PureBlend Software Design Group today announced their partnership to launch 24 MovieSlate, an on-location production App targeted at facilitating digital production by aggregating relevant data onto a unified platform.

Stay tuned as winners for the 49th Annual CAS Awards are announced here in real time, Saturday, February 16. Developer: (Zoe Van Brunt) Price: (Free) Lists: (0) Points: (23) Version: (2.7.4) RSS: (+) Track prices.